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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est zombies. Afficher tous les articles


Last Chance For The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter closes at midnight GMT this Monday (29 February), meaning that there are only 48 hours left to get involved!

How to back The Walking Dead Kickstarter

To get everything for the game we recommend the Something to Fear pledge level and both the Prison and Woodbury expansions for a total pledge of $205. This will get you in excess of $450 worth of Walking Dead plus exclusives before the end of the campaign.

The Something to Fear pledge level makes it easy to get started

Includes 77 stunning wargames miniatures, 106 essential game cards and everything you need to play.

Check it out - you get absolutely everything you see in the graphic below, with more to be added before the end!
It contains:
  • A deluxe collector’s starter set with simple getting started guide, rules for solo play and campaign rules.
  • All of your favorite survivors from The Walking Dead comic to expand your faction
  • Equipment cards to customize your group for casual and competitive play.
  • 2 expansions introducing new gameplay and narrative scenarios, adding more replayability to your game, new mechanics and scenery like the RV and barn.
  • 26 individual walkers so you can build your own herd
  • Plastic scenery including abandoned cars and barricades
  • Kickstarter Exclusive Abraham, Michonne, Walker Ronnie, Sheriff’s Badge Initiative Counter and more to come!
Some of the miniatures will not be available at retail for at least 6 months to a year after you receive it giving you bragging rights with all of your friends!

Expand your game with the Prison and Woodbury

Introducing lots of new gameplay, The Walking Dead: All Out War expansions take key story arcs from the comic and represents them in game form with a series of scenarios allowing you to play out the events.  They each introduce a few new rules to add a twist to the core game and are an essential item for all you completionists.

You can download The Walking Dead: All Out War playtest edition for free. We’ve expanded the rules with new character cards and equipment cards for you to try bigger games. Please try out the game and

How does the game play?
Games designed Mark Latham takes Warren and the guys at Beasts of War through a game.

Watch The Walking Dead Gameplay Video here.



The second week of The Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter is drawing to a close and with two weeks remaining there is a new pledge level to help new players get started with the Walking Dead wargame – check it out now!

The March to War pledge is an easy entry level into The Walking Dead miniatures game. It includes a copy of the starter set giving you everything you need to start playing.

You'll also receive booster survivors such as Shane, Andrea and Reggie and equipment cards to arm your figures with. Some are seriously hardcore, allowing you to tool up your group as it progresses – just one of the way you can put your own mark on your faction.

Plus there is 3D scenery (with abandoned cars to come!), a Roamer booster that adds 6 more walkers and new gameplay through unique event cards, and Kickstarter exclusives that includes the deadly Michonne!

All in all there’s a 50% saving over retail prices plus Kickstarter exclusive content. We’ve got just 1000 of these available (though if demand is high enough we may open up more later) so if you want one you need to grab it on the Kickstarter now.

Something to Fear

For those who want to dive in with both feet then Something to Fear is the pledge level for you. Head over to the Kickstarter page to see everything you will get.
It gets you everything in the March to War pledge and for the extra $50 you will get $200 worth of extra miniatures, cards and content, including two complete expansions - The Greene Farm and Atlanta Camp, more Kickstarter exclusives and all of the wave 2 booster miniatures including Tyreese, Glenn and Maggie before the end of the campaign. And that's not all - we'll keep adding more to this pledge as Stretch Goals are broken during the campaign.

You can only get during the Kickstarter campaign, so don’t miss out!


Ca promet, dejà plus de place dans les early birds et 2 paliers franchis...

The Walking Dead: All Out War
Miniatures Game
The countdown has reached zero, the fight for survival has begun.

The Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter has launched.

The Walking Dead: All Out War is the ultimate survival miniatures game. The characters, taken straight from the pages of The Walking Dead comic series, are pitted against each other in a bitter fight for supplies. You will lead a group of survivors, in a skirmish setting, trying to acquire precious loot…but beware the Walkers will react to your every move, and other groups want the same loot as you – and they do anything to get it!

In this game everyone and everything is trying to kill you – can you stay alive?
Rick and Carl battle against Derek and his group of survivors whilst Walkers lurk nearby...
We’ve just launched The Walking Dead: All Out War miniatures game on Kickstarter to offer our hard core fans the chance to get cool exclusives and the opportunity to get the game ahead of the full retail launch in October. The more people who support the campaign, the more survivors, equipment and walkers will get added – making that basic pledge level crazy good value.
Get on board and let’s visit the Atlanta Camp, and the Greene Family Farm, whilst meeting favourite characters such as Tyreese, Michonne and…the Governor.
The Walking Dead: All Out War Kickstarter is now live. It ends on the 29th February. Please help us spread the word.


Mantic a annoncé la signature de la licence The Walking Dead !

Ca promet de belles aventures hautes en couleur. Avec comme base de scénario, la bande dessinée et pourquoi pas la série télé, ou bien sur notre imagination !

Certaines figurines ont déjà été présentée à la presse et sur des vidéos de présentation sur leur propre site... On n'a pas fini d'entendre parler de zombies !

"The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game FAQ

From Mike
Q: What materials will the figures be? Will they be hard plastic multi part kits or will they be the bendy plastic currently being used in Dungeon Saga?
A: The Walking Dead: All Out War miniatures game is designed to be very easy to get into.
They are single piece plastic miniatures made out of the same material as Dungeon Saga.
Stewart has spent a lot of time perfecting the sculpts and the material choice. They are bigger and chunkier than the Dungeon Saga miniatures, partly to prevent bending, partly to make them easier to paint. Other models of this size in this material that we’ve had through have excellent detail and are very solid.
Q: How big does the game scale up to? What is the projected model count per player and the amount of zombies needed?
A: The game will scale up as big as you want it to. It uses a simple points cost system for miniatures and equipment, and so if you want to play a 50 point game, 100 point game or 500 point game or beyond, you can.
You can add as many additional mats and walkers as you see fit.
A starter game will have 2-4 figures per side, and we reckon a standard game will be 6-10 figures per side.
Q: You have said that this is going to be available by the end of the year, how much of the game and figures have been completed ready for production?
A: The rules are all but complete and there will be a public playtest set released in February.
The miniature contents of the core game have been completed and approved by Skybound, and we hope to have renders of all the miniatures in the range released to the public by the end of February, with everything ready to go into tooling shortly after the Kickstarter.
We are finalising the graphic design and art with Skybound too.
Q: How many people have you got proof reading the rules?
A: A rigorous editing process will be undertaken with 5 internal editors, plus we will have a public playtest. Finally, our translation partners will also review the rules as they translate it – a process we found incredibly useful during Dungeon Saga.
Q: Is the game similar in play mechanics as Deadzone and Mars Attacks or is it a completely different system?
A: It is a completely different system.
From Andrew
Q: can’t wait for this game to come out, I know it’s based on the comic version, but with such great characters like Daryl being a TV character only, will he feature, will you be able to create your own character(s)?
A: We chose the comic license because of the incredible variety of characters it offered us. There are many interesting and exciting characters in the comic that do not appear in the TV show. This means that whilst we aren’t able to do fan favourites like Daryl from the TV show, we have plenty of cool characters, fun Walkers and exciting equipment that will more than compensate! Just wait until you see the comic version of the Governor!
We are currently working on some simple rules for making up your own characters to use in the game too.
Q: When is it coming to kickstarter?
A: February.
From Johann
Q: You mention ‘The game is played in and around Atlanta and the surrounding American suburbs, and contains a gaming mat and a selection of barricades, abandoned cars and supplies to give it that authentic The Walking Dead atmosphere.’. Will these be models (plastic or resin) or cardstock as depicted above? If so, do you have any plans on releasing actual scenery pieces to use in the game? And what about buildings? Do you have any plans for actual kits? Kind regards.
A: The scenery in the base game is very simple 2D cardstock with top-down art – all a gamer has to do is pop it out of the card sheet. We hope to release a separate scenery kit that will make these 3D.
Regarding buildings, we already have a range of suitable 21st century buildings that can easily be put into the Walking Dead.
From Bookawar
Q: Is the “board” necessary to gameplay, like in Deadzone, or just for decoration? Also, what are the recommended dimensions of the playing area (e.g, Deadzone is 2′ x 2′; KOW is 6′ x 4′; TWD is ? x ?)?
A: The board is not necessary for gameplay and purely for decoration, although we were adamant that a mat needed to go into the game to define the boundaries for people who wanted it. It’ll stop you sneaking out of the player area without your opponent noticing! The artwork on it also enhances the game by giving it that Walking Dead atmosphere.
The mat in the boxed game is 20” x 20” (52cm by 52cm), so a little smaller than the 2’x2’ used for Deadzone. Like Deadzone however, you can add multiple mats and we hope to add different designs– so you can fight over the Green Farm or the prison in settings that make sense!
From International Man Of Mystery
Q: Who is the author of this rule set?
A; Mark Latham, who worked on the English language version of Batman: The Miniatures Game among others.
From Brence
Q: So will you always play as a band of survivors from the show or will these Characters only add to your own “generic” warband? In other words will you mostly build a group of characters starring in the show or will these be akin to special characters and add to your self made warband of “regular people”?
A: Every miniature that we create will be a named character from The Walking Dead comics – from famous faces like Rick and Shane to lesser known character such as Derek and his band of scavengers. You are however able to arm your miniatures with weapons and equipment however you like, meaning that you can customise your band so that they are truly yours. Of course, there’s stopping you renaming your miniatures either.
In addition, we will include rules for creating your own characters that you can drop into the story and fight alongside Rick and Michonne.
From Fomorion
Q: Will there be a campaign system with scenarios within the game, where the characters will gain XP, new skills and loot, after each battle?
A: We definitely want to include this in some way. First and foremost we will have a set of narrative scenarios that you can play if you don’t want a standard game, and these will take you through the story, with the characters changing and gaining new equipment as time goes on. As for a standard campaign system, we want to include one, but we will be keeping it as simple as possible to stick with the accessible theme of everything else in the game.
Most characters will have alternate character cards to represent them at different times in the story, so this will be a key way in which they progress.
The Walking Dead - Glenn.
The Walking Dead – Glenn.
From Hudson
Q: Soooo…no co op?
A: The game features rules for solo play, and there is no reason why you couldn’t split a band of survivors between you and a friend, or several friends, and try to beat the game co-op.
From Owesome
Q: Oooh, does the license also include the Telltale Games characters?
A: Who knows what the future may bring! If there is enough demand, we will talk to them about bringing Lee and Clementine into All Out War.
From Rikus
Q: only two players game or more?
A: Most people will play the game 1v1 but there’s nothing stopping you splitting the characters with a friend or friends to play the game!
On translations
From Ivan
Q: Great working by mantic. But you want to arrives for all público. Can you think to translate for more públic un the kickstarter? Spanish, French? If mantic translate it for the cwf Will be great and more and more spanish People come to baking the proyect.
From David
Q: Hello. A question about translations. ¿Have any plan for a spanish translation of the game? If the answers is “yes”, the translated game will be avalaible for backers or only when released to stores? Thank you for your time.
A: Regarding translations, the game will only be available on the Kickstarter in English.
We require a distribution partner to offer a translation of a game – we are working on French, Spanish and German distribution deals at the moment – and that means that the translated game will only be available at retail stores in those territories.
Final Question – please note that the next answer includes a spoiler for the early part of the comic series. Stop reading if you don’t want to know more!
From Joe K
Q: I am not up to speed on the Comic series, but “All Out War” had 4 factions? Survivors, Hilltop, Kingdom and Saviors? Are those the ones we should expect to see in the game?
A: Further down the line, yes. For now we are sticking to the earlier parts of the story – there are almost 100 issues before you meet any of those groups. For our initial range we hope to cover the story opening in Atlanta, and then expand out to the farm, the prison, and Woodbury. The Governor is the first real antagonist and new “faction” that the characters encounter, but there are still changing loyalties and small skirmishes before that point, so there are plenty of ways to play."


Ahh vivement les premiers tests de jeu que l'on puisse vous raconter ca par le détail...

A Survivor's tale - Playing heroes 
Designer's note #4

Each Survivor is unique and customizable.
Ça c'est géant, chacun des personnages peut être modifié et voir ses capacités adaptées aux circonstances hasardeuse du jeu...
  • - The six Survivors are inspired by everyday people and progress to near-demigod status as they gain Danger levels.
  • Des personnages inspires du quotidien, 
  • mais dont les caractéristiques vont pouvoir évoluer au fil du temps...
  • - Each Survivor begins with a special skill and progresses through an arborescence of new skills as he/she gains Danger levels. Two players could play the same survivor and choose different paths, different gameplays.
  • Chacun a donc une capacité spéciale qui va pouvoir évoluer . voici un exemple d'arborescence...le même personnage pourra donc évoluer de manière très différente selon les choix du joueur.
Doug Survivor ID card Actions! Each survivor begins with three actions per turn, to spend among some of the following action choices.
3 Actions par tour, parmi un choix de 6 :
- se déplacer d'une zone a une autre
- ouvrir une porte  (pour la briser, un équipement est requis)
- combattre les zombies
- rechercher un équipement ou du matériel
- faire du bruit, attirer l'attention (eh oui sensible au bruit ces saletés)
- monter ou sortir d'un véhicule
  • - Moving from one zone to the next.
  • - Opening a door (door-breaking equipment is required)
  • - Fighting zombies in hand-to-hand or ranged combat (may produce noise)
  • - Searching for Equipment (draw a random Equipment card)
  • - Make some noise
  • - Getting in or out of a car.
Every survivor may gain more actions with Danger levels, to spend among specific actions choices.
Equipment! Survivors may loot very cool stuff while searching secluded spaces or wrecked cars.

Chaque héros pourra obtenir le droit d'actions supplémentaires grâce a un système de "niveau de danger" .
Et trouver de véritables trésors de guerre en fouillant a droite et a gauche...
  • - Weapons, hand-to-hand or ranged, including revolver, shotgun, rifle, SMG, axe, machete, katana, chainsaw, etc.
  • - Some weapons may be used in "dual": both are activated in the same action. We KNOW you"ll love to play a dual-SMG or dual-machete wielding survivor.
  • - Extra stuff like goalie mask (ignore one wound), scope (+rifle = sniper rifle), extra ammo (rerolls), bottles and gasoline (Molotov cocktail), etc.
  • - Food equipment may be a mission objective.
  • - Some Equipment cards are trapped and give way to a minor zombie spawn. Digging in the dirt may be such a thrill!
Zombicide Canned food cardZombicide Flashlight cardZombicide Katana cardZombicide The Pan cardZombicide Weapons card back
Surviving! A survivor takes a wound and loses one chosen Equipment card for each zombie in the same zone as his at the beginning of the zombie turn. Two wounds and the survivor's a goner.
Players soon learn that a collaborative team is an efficient but somewhat fragile killing machine.

Maps - extraits.


Les figurines des heros, face aux ...monstres...


Boite de jeu, plateaux modulables, mise en scène, figurines en veux tu en voila ...
Tout pour plaire, non ?


Crazy Ned
Préparé au pire depuis des années, et finalement demuni comme tous face a l'invasion...
au moins, il sait utiliser une arme a feu...
 Phil - the cop
L'Incontournable flic, évidemment, toujours prêt a faire feu, le doigt sur la couture du pantalon et l'autre sur la gâchette - le Droit et l'Ordre, c'est sa devise...
 Wanda - the Waitress
La serveuse...ahh la serveuse du drive-in, rapide comme l'éclair sur ses rollers, ses lames affutées comme des rasoirs, sa tronçonneuse découpe, débite et tranche dans le lard...


Doug - l'employé de bureau - office guy
"le Caaadre, quoi, merde ! "

Le roi des notes de frais et des réunions houleuses avec le staff du Directoire de son groupe se sent pousser des ailes...
"Roupies de sansonnets ces zombies !, j'ai vu pire : mes collègues de bureau, sacres suceurs ceux-la...".

Josh - the thug - le petit malfrat
criminel de droit commun...
Eh non, pas un étrangleur, adorateur de Kâlî, célèbre secte active en Inde du XIIIe au XIXe siècle.
ni un membre du groupe de punk rock français des années 90, sus-nommes "Les Thugs".


Here are the heroes of zombicide, those will try to survive...
Voici qu'entrent en jeu, ces héros du quotidien, 
rien ne les prédispose a ce qu'ils vont devoir affronter...
 to the evil
..le pire...
and more... pire encore...
vos heros entrent en piste ...
Goth Amy
Figs figs figs !!!
voila des figurines que l'on va avoir hâte de peindre....


A "hunter's hunted" collaborative game in a zombie infested town

Zombicide is a collaborative game for 1 to 6 players, for 13 years old and up. A game lasts for 20mn (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board).
Zombicide gamebox
Each player controls from one (for 6 players) to four (solo game) "survivors", human beings in a zombie-infested town. In fact, "survivors" hastily change to "hunters" to smash zombies through and through. However, the team must constantly keep the balance between survival and slaughter: as the zombicide's going on, the "Danger level" is going up and infected are growing in numbers.  
Any misstep can turn to disaster.
Zombicide is a fun and easy game with cool minis in an archetypical, popular and comics-inspired environment. Ambiance is constantly kept between "beat'em up" and "survival horror" as characters keep on turning from preys to predators. Humor and gloom happily marry in a zombie-fest.
Zombicide box content

Game contents

  • - 71 minis (6 Survivors, 40 Walkers, 16 Runners, 8 Fatties and 1 Abomination)
  • - 110 mini-cards (42 Zombie cards, 62 Equipment cards, 6 Wounded cards)
  • - 9 gaming tiles
  • - 6 dice
  • - 6 Survivor Identity Cards
  • - 24 advancement counters
  • - 4 Cars tokens (police car and pimp mobile)
  • - 18 Noise tokens
  • - 10 Objective tokens
  • - 12 Door tokens
  • - 6 Zombie spawn tokens
  • - 1 "First player" token
  • - 1 Exit point token
71 minis !
A special effort has been given to detail and diversity: several models are available for most zombies of the same type
(example: several models for "walker"-type zombies, including male and female versions).
Zombicide miniatures
9 double-sided gaming tiles.
Scenarios take place on boards from two to nine tiles in a riot-devastated urban area. Characters move from zone to zone defined by walls and crosswalks. Designers were careful about the overall quality and playability of the tiles' illustrations.
Double-sided tokens.
Objectives tokens. Door tokens. Car tokens. Noise tokens. Zombie spawn zone tokens. More tokens than required indeed. In fact, enough of them are planned to create your craziest scenarios.
Zombicide tokens
110 cards.
Including Equipment cards and Zombie cards.


Zombicide -

Zombicide is a collaborative game in which players take the role of a survivor – each with unique abilities – and harness both their skills and the power of teamwork against the hordes of unthinking undead! Zombies are predictable, stupid but deadly, controlled by simple rules and a deck of cards. Unfortunately for you, there are a LOT more zombies than you have bullets.
Find weapons, kill zombies. The more zombies you kill, the more skilled you get; the more skilled you get, the more zombies appear. The only way out is zombicide!

Seems that this game has a real great potential of fun...